Good day, today we are releasing the Airport Express Lines & Yishun LRT 2.0 to the Files & Releases.

REMINDER: As part of this release, the support for older trains (the C651/A/B/C/D for AEL & the YL150/A/B for the YSLRT), will cease and not fit with the new HHPSDs/FHPSDs. If you intend to continue using those trains, do not use this release, and instead download the legacy versions for YSLRT and for AEL.

The R151s, as well as the C151B/C's Display Systems also received an update, to be able to show AEL's route information. The C151As currently do not have their STARIS' supported, but the VFDs are working.

The Retrofitted North West Line (NWL) will be released at a later date.

Retrofitting of new PSDs for AEL and YSLRT

Hero Image Section

New Full-Height PSDs (AEL)

About Me Landing Section

New Half-Height PSDs (AEL)

Hero Image Section

New Full-Height PSDs (YSLRT)

To fit the new trains, a full retrofitting was required to accomodate them. New features for those PSDs include a new lock/unlock sounds, to inject some realism (AEL only).

New Trains for YSLRT

This release includes a new train for Yishun LRT - the Alstom Movia RYL150. The Airport Express Line uses the same fleet as the Harbourvale Line.

Alstom Movia RYL150

Hero Image Section


About Me Landing Section

Car Door Display

My Portfolio Section


For more details and to download this train, head over to this page.

H/T to Danish Rusdi (SG5937C) for the Train! Do support his channel here.
